The popular regional deputy has urged the regional spokesman of the Orange formation, Miguel Sanchez, to "his obsession against the PP does not lead him to continue deceiving the Murcia" and to apologize to the regional executive "for his serious ignorance of what they are the autonomic competitions "
The regional deputy of the PP responsible for health, Domingo Coronado, has defined as "obsessive" the attitude of Citizens and their regional spokesman, Miguel Sanchez, to denounce before the outbreak of scabies in the prison of Campos del Rio that the regional government "it shows with the measures taken, lack of effectiveness".
And is that, Coronado has lamented, "the regional spokesman for Citizens completely ignores what are the powers of the regional executive", before what has reminded him that "Campos Del Rio is a state prison, so it is a problem whose responsibility of origin lies exclusively in the central government of the PSOE, whose delegate in the Region of Murcia is Diego Conesa.
At this point, he has asked him to "apologize to the regional government for the serious error he has committed with his statements today, especially when the performance of the Murcian Executive has been impeccable at all times."
The 'popular' deputy has blamed his words on "his obsession to wear down the PP, which leads them to misunderstand the powers of the regional executive, so both Miguel Sanchez and his political education must learn that this issue only corresponds to adopt a solution to the Government of the PSOE through the Ministry of the Interior, which is the one that penitentiary institutions depend on in our country ".
Domingo Coronado, to conclude, has challenged the regional spokesman for Citizens to be brave and demand from the Socialists a solution to the problem, although he regretted that "they will surely shut up and become accomplices of this situation, as always when something unpleasant happens whose responsibility is from the PSOE ", because he insisted" his only obsession is to blame the PP absolutely ".
Source: PP Región de Murcia